Total Medals Earned: 1,607 (From
335 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 25,820 Points
Check out the Credits page!
Clear the first 5 waves
Kill 100 Regulars
Watch the Ending
Watch the Intro
Clear Wave 15
Clear Wave 16
Clear Wave 11
Clear Wave 8
Kill 50 Agiles
Kill 25 Brutes
Clear Wave 14
Clear Wave 18
Clear Wave 20
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
complete story on easy difficulty
How can anything be good when you are a slave?
complete story on normal difficulty
exercise is good for your health
complete story on hard difficulty
get above 10000 points on arcade mode
you are a bad boy Arthur
complete game on easy difficulty no damage
complete game on normal difficulty no damage
complete game on hard difficulty no damage
Played the game for the first time
Won a game of single player
Won a match against someone in online
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Customized your character
Played on Madness Day (9/22)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Reached level 50
Played Season 2 for the first time!
Unlocked Sanford!
Unlocked Hank!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlocked Deimos!
Unlocked Tricky!
Unlocked Jeebus!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Played my game
Beat level 20 in Grunt's campaign
Beat level 20 in Sanford's campaign
Beat level 20 in Deimos's campaign
Beat level 20 in Hank's campaign
Play the game for the first time
Kill the boss and complete the game
Killed the cop on first time
Never killed a whitness
Made this to top
Killed another boss
Beat the first fight without loosing any power
Kill the traitor without loosing any power
Don't care for a life
Beat a fight without loosing.
Just started playing
Pete has been killed.
Do not kill Pete!
Killed the casino boss
Master the disguise part without loosing any life before
Master the sneaking part without loosing any life before
Win the fight against the cook
Beat Jack and Larry without loosing any power
Beat the game successfully.
Beat the game without loosing any life
Complete the game
who's there?
you know how it goes
had one too many
get a grip man
finish a project in less than 27 commands
go two levels deep
finish a flash project